International Training on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Analysis for Disease Outbreak Investigation
The study of spatio-temporal distribution of cases of disease is one of the basis of epidemiology and ignoring the spatio-temporal dimension in disease investigations can lead to major biases and mistaken results. This course has provided the basis to understand the usefulness of Geographical Information Systems and spatio-temporal analyses to provide an increased precision to the qualitative and quantitative assessment of disease outbreaks, compare different populations/ settings through the use of quantitative and objective criteria and detect significant phenomenon that may be imperceptible otherwise.
• Visualize spatial data using open-source software
• Understand and apply techniques for detection of spatial and spatio-temporal clusters and spatial autocorrelation
• Review critically spatial analyses published in the peer-reviewed literature
• Practice writing, reporting and communicating the results of a spatial analysis
Date: 4-6 December 2017
Venue: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University
• Prof. P.C. Lai
• Asst. Prof. Dr. Paulina P.Y. Wong
• Dr. C.T. Low
In this workshop, there is a total of 38 participants from academic institutions and government agency from 6 countries in Asia; Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Taiwan.