Vision & Objectives

To create the regional information center in food safety of food from animal origin the countries in Asia Pacific.
To be the organization that manage the joint Master of Science course in Veterinary Pubic Health (International Programme) with FU-Berlin, Germany, or to manage the course or other post-courses in Veterinary Public Health that with the other acceptable foreign institutes by Chiang Mai University.
To be the center of courses training, extension servicing and researching in Veterinary Public Health.
To seek the collaborations both local, regional and country in order to develop the new body of knowledge in Veterinary Public Health, food safety of the international animal origin and trade that need skills and knowledge of disciplinary science.
To develop and lead the capacity of human resource and center to the international standard.

Strategy targets
Establishing a regional information center in food safety in food from animal origin at Chiang Mai University .
Promoting the export industries in meat and marine products, and also food products from animal origin, which will expand and increase the market share of Thai export industry in the world market. Also, it is increase the stable economy of the countries in the region.
Reinforcing the negotiated balancing and international investment of the country and other countries in the region in the state of the world trade.
Strengthening the country and the region : in term of sciences, technology, basic idea development and human resource development in sciences and technology.
Reinforcing the ambassadorial and commercial relationship as friend and donators by providing scholarships, which are available to the students in the neighboring countries through the student’s institutes.
The project has the strategy target that responses the government’s policy as followings :

Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP) is the knowledge and collaborative center for trading and safety of food originated from animals, animal diseases and cross border animal epidemics. VPHCAP is a self-dependent and international acknowledged organization.