Workshop on "Risk Communication"
by Prof. Dr. William Hueston from University of Minnesota
Invited speaker: Prof. Dr. William Hueston from University of Minnesota, USA
Date: July 30 - August 1, 2014
Venue: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University
Training Attendees and Target Audience:
There are 29 participants who are principally graduates in the fields of veterinary medicine, nursing, and social sciences involved in health- and social-related sectors from Chiang Mai University, Department of Livestock Development, local governments, private sector and 6th batch MVPH students from 8 countries: Nepal, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, China, and Thailand.
Executive Summary and Follow-up Issues
The course compsed of 4 modules: risk communication principles, communicating in high stress situations, message development & delivery, and media relations & practice. Prof. Will used active learning approaches to create safe lerning environment, encourage participation in the class.
Objectives of the course: after attend this course, the participants should be able to achieve all of these:
1. Risk Communication Knowledge
- Understand the difference between the scientific definition of risk and our human perception of risk
- Recognize that risk communication is a two-way sharing of information and opinion designed to support rational
decision -making
- Know where to find and how to use tools to support risk communication
2. Risk Communication Skills
- Identification of different audiences
- Analysis of risk communication approach needed for different audiences in various situations
- Key message development
- Listening
- Executive briefings
- Media interaction
3. Risk Communication Attitudes
- Validate that people view risks differently
- Appreciate cultural differences in the way that people communicate
- Demonstrate respect when interacting with people who express different opinions on risk