VPHCAP Activities (2)
Data Management Workshop
May 18-19, 2017
VPHCAP and Excellent Center of Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will hold a workshop on "Data Management" aims to provide theoretical knowledge and practice on data logging using a spreadsheet program on 18-19 May 2017, room F402, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, CMU.
Songkran Festival (Thai New Year 2017)
April 13 & 28, 2017
Every April in Thailand (and some countries in Southeast Asia) is celebrated a festival called “Songkran” as it is marked in the lunar calendar the New Year. Besides going back home and visiting family, Thais always take this time of the year to make merit with whole family at the temple to begin the year with goodness and joyful.
7th MVPH Proposal Presentation Workshop
March 24, 2017
The 1st workshop of the 7th batch MVPH on thesis proposal presentation was held on 24 March 2017. The objective of the workshop was to discuss and exchange knowledge among the students, lecturers, and researchers on their topic of interests, research objectives and methodology that related to global/international/national veterinary public health issues, EcoHealth and One Health.
Global Health Institute - Thailand 2017
February 5-24, 2017
Global Health Institute – Thailand 2017 represents an international collaboration between two World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Collaborating Centres for Veterinary Services Capacity Building: the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS), University of Minnesota, and the Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP), Chiang Mai University, also an Excellence Centre for Veterinary Public Health at Chiang Mai University.
The workshop "Poultry Meat Safety...from Slaughterhouses to Consumers"
December 17, 2016
The workshop "Poultry Meat Safety...from Slaughterhouses to Consumers" was held on 17 December 2016 with stakeholders from small- and large-scale slaughterhouses. The workshop included keynote presentations (on an update of food security in Thailand, farms and slaughterhouse standards, and the report of laboratory confirmation related to common foodborne pathogens that mostly found in the slaughtering production line) and brainstorming session.
Veterinary Public Health Education: Building veterinary service capacity for ASEAN public goods
November 28-29, 2016
This event was collaborated by the OIE Collaborating Center for Veterinary Services Capacity Building and Excellent Center for Veterinary Public Health to gather all professionals and experts in Veterinary Public Health in the first time in South East Asia region to build up a potential networking and develop education including research in veterinary public health area.
Application of Rapid Method in Food Processing Workshop
Septembet 22, 2016
One-day workshop on "Application of Rapid Method in Food Processing" will be organized by VPHCAP, Chiang Mai University in collaboration with Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan on 22 September 2016 at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University.
The First Joint AITVM-STVM at Berlin
September 5-8, 2016
The dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lertrak Srikitjakarn and The VPHCAP executive board attended the 1st Joint International Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM) and the Society of Tropical Veterinary Medicine (STVM) which organized by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 4-8 September 2016 at Berlin, Germany.
The Officially Opening Ceremony of the OIE Collaborating Centre
August 18, 2016
The OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) has recently designated Thailand’s Department of Livestock Development in collaboration with the Veterinary Pubic Health Centre for Asia Pacific, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, as a new OIE Collaborating Centre for Veterinary Services Capacity Building in Thailand that aims to be a center for developing and increasing capacity of veterinarian in country and international level.
One Health Approach and Leadership at the Convergence at Animal, Human and Environment Workshop
August 11-13 and 18-19, 2016
Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific, Chiang Mai University in collaboration with University of Minnesota, USA organized the “One Health Approach and Leadership at the Convergence at Animal, Human and Environment - Addressing Early Detection and Efficient Surveillance of the Infectious Diseases” workshop during 11 – 13 and 18 – 19 August 2016 at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University.
The Using of Capture-Recapture Method for Biology and Health Study Workshop
July 25-29, 2016
Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific, Chiang Mai University in collaboration with Excellent Center of Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, CMU conducted the “The using of Capture-recapture method for biology and health study” workshop during 25 - 29 July 2016 at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University with honored instructors from University of Southampton, Prof. Dr. Dankmar Böhning and Kasetsart University, Asst.Prof.Winai Bodhisuwan.

The 4th issue VPHCAP e-newsletter
March 2016
The 4th issue e-newsletter (March 2016) is available now!!!
Read inside...
• The 50th CMU graduation ceremony
• Global Health Institute - Thailand 2016
• 7th MVPH application is still available!!
• The AITVM-STVM conference in Berlin (September 4-8, 2016)
• Excellent Center of Veterinary Public Health

Global Health Institute - Thailand 2016
February, 15-26
Global Health Institute-Thailand-2016 (GHIT) offers One Health leadership training and specialized short courses on key skills like risk analysis and participatory epidemiology. The two weeks GHIT-2016 also will include a research conference for sharing of the latest scientific knowledge on timely topics like emerging diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety

The 6th Batch Commencement Ceremonies
January 25, 2016
Congratulations to all of the 6th MVPH students who have graduated and joined the commencement ceremonies that was held on January 25, 2016. We admire ability and effort of every student who is attending the commencement ceremonies and who is unable to attend. From now you are the MVPH alumni and we hope that you will be back to visit us again at CMU. We look forward to working with you again!

The 3rd International Congress on Pathogens at the Human-Animal Interface (ICOPHAI)
August 6-8, 2015
The Veterinary Public Health and Biotechnology (VPH-Biotec) Global Consortium launched the International Congress on Pathogens at the Human-Animal Interface (ICOPHAI) in order to address important challenges and needs for capacity building.

The 4th Food Safety and Zoonoses Symposium for Asia Pacific
August 3-5, 2015
The international symposium in 2015, for more success, has an occasion to be a pre-global congress in the International Congress on Pathogens at the Human-Animal Interface (ICOPHAI) on One Health for Sustainable Development which will be launched by the Veterinary Public Health and Biotechnology (VPH-Biotec) Global Consortium to address important challengesof EcoHealth-OneHealth complexity and capacity building.

The 2nd issue VPHCAP e-newsletter
March 30, 2015
Our second issue has been launched!!
In this issue;
• Global Health Institute 2015
• Asia: the world largest tourist destination
"Experience Thailand - once in a lifetime"
• Upcoming activity: The 4th food safety and zoonoses
...please read detail inside...

GHI-Thailand 2015: Researchers Conference of “Emerging disease at convergence of animal, human and environment health”
February 2-20, 2015
The Global Health Institute 2015 is conducted with the goal of OneHealth Leadership which is essential for enthusiastic interests. This program also offers 5 track courses that can be selected by each participant in order to fulfill and complement the OneHealth Leadership experiences.

The 1st workshop presentation of 6th batch MVPH students: study design and field work launch
October 3, 2014
The Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP) organized the first workshop for the 6th batch MVPH students to present their research proposal on the topic "Study Design and Launch".

Risk Communication Workshop
July 30 - 1 August, 2014
The course compsed of 4 modules: risk communication principles, communicating in high stress situations, message development & delivery, and media relations & practice. Prof. Will used active learning approaches to create safe lerning environment, encourage participation in the class.

Special lecture on topic “Global Health Concern Emerging Pandemic Threats in Asia”
July 16, 2014
Recognizing the important of emerging and re-emerging diseases which usually transmitted from animals to human, the speed with which these diseases can emerge and spread presents serious public health, economic, and development concerns.

Global Health Institute - Thailand 2014
February 3-13, 2014
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University in cooperation with University of Minnesota, USA, has organized “Global Health Institute (GHI) 2014” during 3rd – 13th February 2014 at Centara Duangtawan Hotel under the financial support by U.S Agency for International Development (USAID).

VibrioNet in Thailand
April 23-25, 2012
Dr. Stephan Hühn, Research Associate, Institute of Food Hygiene, Freie Universität Berlin, representative of VibrioNet Project, was the speaker in the “VibrioNet Project Meeting in Thailand” in the purpose of establishing collaboration with institutes in Thailand focusing on Vibrio spp.

International Course on One Health Leadership
May 3, 2010
Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP)organized the workshop of “One Health Leadership” The chairman of the ceremony is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jakkapan Sirithunyalug, Vice President for International Relations and Alumni Affairs, Chiang Mai University.